12/30(Wed) - 18:30~22:30 『The 51st Shine! Japan Record Awards』
※This year as well, thanks to everyone's support, 『Stand by U』 was awarded as an excellent piece of work.
12/31(Thurs)- 9:55~12:30 TBS 『Sanma Tamao Makes Your Dreams Come True SP』
※This is a re-broadcast of the programme that was aired in January this year. Don't miss it!!!
12/31(Thurs)- 19:15~23:45 NHK 『60th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen』
12/31(Thurs)- 23:45~29:00 TBS 『CDTV SPECIAL! New Year's Eve Premier Live 2009→2010』
※Live broadcast
1/8(Fri)- 25:20~26:15 NTV 『MUSIC FIGHTER Highlights』
※Clips of their talks during past appearances will be aired.
Source: [toho-jp.net]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
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