Currently DBSK is at number 1 for this categories:
2009 TOP 10 sections
2009 STAR sections
This particular event is BIG! They’ll have an event for it on December 16th
This is the first Melon Award because they used to be only a chart ranking site but now they’ve created an event for this year(why this year??????)
The nominees are the ones that were active between December-October 2009 so that is why our boys are one of the nominees
They are taking into account artistes that have been active from December of 2008 to October of 2009. The winners will be determined by streaming counts (30%), numbers of downloads (50%), and extra downloads such as ringtones (20%).
we need to log in to vote, and we’re not yet discovering how to log in and whether do you need Korean citizen id to register
Source: + allkpop
Summarized by: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Special thanks to tvxqmiace
Credits: sharingyoochun@wordpress
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